Spring 2011.

  • The first Basic Course of improvisation and performance ("Self-Presentation" final performance) in test mode: open attendance format classes, thematic meetings conducted alternately by leading professionals by Katrina Gridina and Marina Berezkina-Orlova.
  • Beginning of collaboration with the PlumPalm art space, lasting five seasons.
Autumn 2011.
  • The second Basic Course ("Presenting the Present" final performance) - training moves to closed intensive format.
  • Start of long-term cooperation with the development center Yo-Studio.
Spring 2012.
  • The third Basic Course ("Living People" final performance). Marina Berezkina-Orlova moves to St. Petersburg - project leadership fully transitions to Katrina Gridina.
  • Start of long-term collaboration with the Moscow Eclectic Chamber Orchestra "Maata".
  • Regular alumni meetings begin in Moscow.
Autumn 2012.

  • The fourth Basic Course ("13 Women" final performance) - the first all-female group in the history of the School.
  • Introduction of family traditions into the project - a sister of one of the previous course graduates participates in the basic course.
  • The School team welcomes a new administrator, Maria Korovina.
  • The first large-scale Improvisation and Performance Course for continuing students takes place in Moscow, along with the filming of the project's TV version.
Spring 2013.
  • The fifth Basic Course ("WITHOUT" final performance): the second all-female group, unique in the number of participants from creative professions; the project temporarily bases itself in "Sea Inside," with a record number of spectators at the final presentation.
  • The "City Outing" course for continuing students becomes annual.
  • Training labs for graduates with themed presentations become a tradition.
  • The School team is joined by observer Anna Tarasova. The free Electronic Journal "Art of Being" begins publication.
Autumn 2013.
  • The sixth Basic Course ("Among People" final performance) marks the beginning of long-term collaboration with the art center VINYL.
  • Katrina Gridina conducts the first coaching course for improvisation teachers.
  • Three graduates of the School undergo internships in the Basic Course.
Spring 2014.
  • The seventh Basic Course takes place in Thailand, marking the project's international debut. The final presentation is attended by audiences from over 10 countries.
  • The project's Electronic Journal begins regular publication.
  • A new course for continuing students in Moscow focuses on exploring performance possibilities in duets.
  • The weekly Performance Practice for project participants begins.
Autumn 2014.
  • The project moves to its "new home," the spacious and bright NakedStudio.
  • In September, Moscow hosts a mini-festival of improvisation and performance in celebration of the project's anniversary, "Art of Being."
  • Traditionally, the eighth Basic Course ("To Be Honest" final performance) takes place, alongside a course for continuing students focused on verbal improvisation, "Being in Word."
  • The first "Art of Being" training session is held in Nizhnevartovsk under the direction of Guzel Zamalieva, who also becomes the School's new administrator.
  • Publication of the Electronic Journal ceases, but Performance Practice continues in its regular format.
Spring-Summer 2015.
  • Introductory training sessions are held in Moscow, Krasnodar, and Chelyabinsk.
  • The first comprehensive Teacher Training Program for improvisational performance teachers in the "Art of Being" format launches successfully in Moscow.
  • Under the guidance of Katrina Gridina, the course for continuing students and the performance "Being in the Body of a Woman" take place in Moscow.
Autumn - Winter 2015.
  • In Moscow, the qualifying practical exam and the Graduation Presentation of participants in the Teacher Training Program took place.
  • Guzel Zamalieva, Maria Dolganova, Anton Bizyaev, Anastasia Ryabova, and Karen Ter-Marterosyan became new trainers at the School.
  • Katrina Gridina conducted the 9th Basic Course in a two-week intensive format for the first time. Due to numerous requests, the group size for the Basic Course expanded from 12 to 15 participants.
  • One of the main events of the season was the start of work by the new team of leaders: Maria Dolganova and Anastasia Ryabova conducted many Open Sessions and their first Introductory Training. Anton Bizyaev's experimental Laboratory "Performance +" began regular operations.
Winter-Spring 2016.
  • The 10th Basic Course, led by Guzel Z., successfully took place in Goa, India. The Graduation Presentation occurred at the renowned art venue in North Goa, "Ash."
  • In Moscow, under remote curating by Katrina Gridina and direct involvement of Maria Dolganova and Anton Bizyaev (in a test mode), the experimental space of Improvisational Theater of Honesty was launched.
  • Preparation for the summer-autumn season began with extensive work by project leaders on creating a methodological guide for conducting the Basic Course, marking a transition to even deeper theoretical exploration of the practice.
  • In 2019, due to Guzel Z.'s relocation to Koh Phangan, Thailand, and high local interest, the active development of the School shifted to this part of the world.
  • In collaboration with various musicians and Ruslan Abdulayev's "Poetic Evening" project (a member of the School), Guzel Z. created approximately 10 solo performances at various venues on the island.
  • Due to the location's specifics, Guzel Z. decided to divide the Basic Course program into two parts and conduct them as separate courses ("for beginners" and "for continuing students").
  • On Koh Phangan, 22 new participants joined the School - Guzel Z. conducted 2 courses for beginners and their graduation performances.

  • The year began with a course for continuing students on Koh Phangan, Thailand, and a collective performance of participants within the framework of "Poetic Evening" at Jaran's.
  • Amidst the beginning pandemic, Guzel Z. adjusted participation conditions, offering the beginner course for free and organizing video recordings as a culmination.
  • From July to November, Katrina Gridina led the first online course "Club of Anonymous Geniuses," during which two participants chose to create solo performances as their Art project and successfully implemented them.
  • In August, our School visited Ukraine for the first time - within the Ecstatic festival in the Carpathians, an improvisation and performance course was held with Guzel Z., gathering participants from different parts of the country.
  • In November - December, in Nizhnevartovsk, Guzel Z.'s hometown, five years after the first (trial) course, a beginner course and the final performance "To Be Honest" took place.
  • On January 10th, Guzel Z.'s First Solo Evening "Mozhno" took place in Nizhnevartovsk with the participation of graduates from the previous beginner course.
  • In February, courses for beginners with Guzel Z. were held in Nizhnevartovsk, and in May, in St. Petersburg, concluding with graduation performances in front of an audience.
  • In May, as part of the online festival "PerformanceArt," Katrina Gridina hosted a master class titled "Honesty Improvisational Theater: Art or Being?"
  • In July - September, in Crimea, within the "Creator's Path" and "Freestyle Reload" sessions at Igor and Natalia Budnikov's retreat center "Dana," and at the "Art Carnival" session within Ecstatic festival, participants experienced improvisational performance spaces, attending classes "Being Visible," "Being in the Body," and "Being in Impulse" with Guzel Z.
  • In December, the School, represented by Guzel Z., visited Minsk, Belarus, for the first time with an intensive format course.
  • Guzel Z. conducts two beginner courses in Goa, India, and one on Koh Phangan, Thailand, along with their graduation performances.
Winter - Spring 2023.
  • On Koh Phangan, Guzel Z. conducts the second part of the "Art of Being" Basic Course. Among the participants are graduates of the School from 2019 to 2022. This marks the first stage in creating the creative alliance of the Honesty Improvisational Theater on Koh Phangan.
  • Guzel Z. participates several times in Veda Ram's "Shamanic Night" project in Goa as an improvisational performer, as well as in the Shibari theater in a duo with Tatiana Tereshchenko and Otto on Koh Phangan.
  • In April-May, Katrina Gridina conducts the first online course "Create as You Are" based on the School's 7 Basic Principles.
  • May 11th marks the first performance of the Honesty Improvisational Theater creative alliance on Koh Phangan titled "Mozhno," attended by an audience. Curator: Guzel Z.
Summer - Fall 2023.
  • The improvisational performance moves into the online space - Katrina Gridina launches regular online performance practice.
  • The creative alliance of the Honesty Improvisational Theater on Koh Phangan creates evenings of improvisational performance titled "Let's Call It Sexuality" and "Open Theme".
  • Collaboration begins with the art platform "Siam Healing Centre."
  • Guzel Z. conducts beginner courses on Bali (Indonesia), Goa (India), and Koh Phangan (Thailand).
  • The School's residency on Koh Phangan starts collaborating with the "Center Point" art platform.
Winter - Spring 2024.

  • The year begins with a beginner course and the graduation performance "To Be Honest," along with regular performance practice on Koh Phangan, Thailand.
  • Katrina Gridina conducts the first part of the Basic Course for beginners online with a graduation performance on Zoom. Alumni of the school, Yulia Razumova joined the team as coordinator of online projects and content-manager.
  • Anastasia Ryabova conducts an introductory session in Moscow, Russia. Karen Ter-Martirosyan leads workshops "Being Visible," "Being in the Body," and regular performance practice in Goa, India.
  • The creative alliance of the Honesty Improvisational Theater on Koh Phangan actively develops vocal data in collaboration with Mikhail Elenberger and creates an evening of performance titled "Voice of Woman" Traditionally, the Course for continuing Students and the graduation performance "Do You Want the Truth?" take place on Koh Phangan.
  • In April, Katrina Gridina became a resident at one of the most significant events in the world of contemporary performing arts - the 58th Avignon Festival "OFF". The play "Being Russian 2022-2024" was shown on July 5-7 in collaboration with the "Au Chapeau Rouge" theater.
  • On May 11th, Guzel Z. conducted a solo performance experiment with the support and participation of the creative alliance of the Honesty Improvisational Theater and School graduates on Koh Phangan.
Summer - Fall 2024.
  • To be continued...