10 DECEMBER 2024
18:00 cet | 20:00 msk
"Being Russian 2022 - 2024"
Performance movie screening for the participants of the crowdfunding campaign and partners
English | Zoom (online)

An interactive autobiographical mono performance guides the audience through the psychological aspects of Russian emigration during 2022-2024, revealing the challenges of remaining human while family is in Moscow and friends are in Kiev, and offering an authentic look at resilience and self identity in a shattered world.

Colleagues, relatives, and loved ones have left their homeland

as a sign of political protest, due to the mortal threat of dying in the war

or ending up in prison due to repressions.

What is it like to drop off your children at school and then go volunteer with refugees?

What is it like to bury loved ones on both sides of the military conflict?

What is it like to read bedtime stories to your little ones after packing some humanitarian aid for the kids on the front line?

What is it like to join protests alongside people who desperately wish death upon everyone who shares your own passport?

What is it like to teach your children their native language when those closest to you refuse to speak it out of disgust?

What is it like to remain human and seek peace within oneself amid war?

What is it like to be Russian after February 2022?

«Art is given to us so that we do not die from the truth.»

– Friedrich Nietzsche

Stories of thousands reflected in one... daring to speak and dance about it Honestly.

7-8 DECEMBER 2024
performance will take place
at Théâtre «Au Chapeau Rouge»

By purchasing a ticket or supporting the project through crowdfunding, you help us overcome stigmatization and the feeling of invisibility. Your contribution not only supports the arts but also furthers its mission of fostering understanding and empathy among people.

Katrina Gridina - a performance artist, founder of the Theater of Honesty, co-director of the School of Improvisation and Performance «The Art of Being» in a multimodal interactive autobiographical performance about the psychological aspects of Russian emigration in 2022-2024.
This is an artistic space that opens dialogue and reflection on the issue of stigmatization of Russian emigrants, through the realization of a multimodal performance/series of performances in three languages (Russian, English, French), which includes:
  • Video interviews with forced migrants
  • Interactive dialogue with the audience
  • Original anti-war poetry

  • Improvised dance

  • Insights and findings from weekly laboratory with performers in emigration

We express our gratitude to Ivan Galiatin for his financial support during the production of the performance.
«Without your faith and endless support, my friend, I simply wouldn't have made it, but together, we can handle anything.»
– Katrina Gridina
We also thank all the musicians who believed in the project and granted permission to use their original works during the festival
Yana Ostas
Estas Tonne
Veda Ram
Alyona Geeta
Lina Aurum
«Being Russian 2022-2024» was created within one of the most significant events in the world of contemporary performing arts – the 58th Avignon Festival «Off». It was presented for the first time July 5th to 7th, 2024 on the stage of the Théâtre «Au Chapeau Rouge».

Unlike the main «In» program, the «Off» program is independent of the festival, does not involve artistic selection and guidance, and groups come to the festival at their own expense. It is one of the largest and most diverse festivals of independent companies in the world – with over 1000 groups participating in the program | catalog 2024 |.

«Being Russian 2022-2024» was created within one of the most significant events in the world of contemporary performing arts – the 58th Avignon Festival «Off». It was presented for the first time from July 5th to 7th, 2024 on the stage of the Théâtre «Au Chapeau Rouge».

Unlike the main «In» program, the «Off» program is independent of the festival, does not involve artistic selection and guidance, and groups come to the festival at their own expense. It is one of the largest and most diverse festivals of independent companies in the world – with over 1000 groups participating in the program | catalog 2024 |.
Photos & Reviews
by photographer Victoria Terme and audience of the performance
For more reviews tap here
Press release and visual materials are available for download.
Reviews, and visual materials are available in google folder.
For inquiries regarding support for the performance, partnership, and PR,
please contact the project coordinator:
e-mail: artofbeing.team@gmail.com
whatsApp: +90 506 863 8619

Yulia Razumova

© All Rights Reserved.
All photo and video materials belong to their respective owners and are used for demonstration purposes only. Please do not use them for commercial purposes.
With warmth and inspiration,

#artofbeing team